27 July Lolab
Noor Ul Hasan Andrabi
Sub Divisional Magistrate Lolab on Monday issued fresh Timing and relexations in view of Eid Ul Azha under this corona pandemic.
According to the official copy lies with Inside Kashmir reads;
Whereas,in pursuance to the order by Deputy Commissioner Kupwara vide order No DCK/Ps/04/2011-19 Dated 25-07-2020,envisaging theirin the regulation of opening of shops in the jurisdiction of Sub Division Lolab for ensuring the observance of SOPs in view of Covid19 pandemic.
Now in view of above it’s hereby ordered that:
In view of forthcoming Eid Ul Azha and other festive activities,relaxations shall be granted for opening of shops throughout the Sub-Division jurisdiction except Red Zone from 28-07-2020 to 30-07-2020 subject to the following conditions.
The timing for shop opening shall be restricted from 07:00AM to 06:00PM on all three days.
Covid negative test reports of all the shop owners and their staff shall be mandatory for opening of shops as already notified by circulars issued by Additional Deputy Commissioner Kupwara vide no DCK/Ps/2020/04/1924-30 Dated 23-07-2020.
The concern Tehsildars,Naib Tehsildars and duty megistrates to ensure opening of upto 50% shops in any market area to avoid any large congregation,the order reads
There shall be complete restrictions on shop opening from 31-07-2020 onwards,except those selling dairy products snd vegetables only.
Bank Heads ensure operation of Bank Branches as per rosters to ensure no overcrowding in any of the premises in view of Eid Ul Azha,Further order reads
The deployment orders for Additional Magistrates issued by This office to enforce restrictions shall continue to be valid.
The opening of shops in the jurisdiction of Sub Division Lolab shall be governed as per the following.
On 28 July (Timing 07Am to 06Pm)
For Sogam=From Fire service station Sogam to GHSS Sogam lower Adda.
For Lalpora=Jamia Masjid Lalpora to Sonar.
For Diver=Diver Sumo Adda to Jamia Masjid Diver.
On 29 July (07Am to 06Pm)
For Sogam=Lone Beauty Shop to Kiryana Mohd Akbar Kumar upper Adda.
For Lalpora=Jamia Masjid to Rednaag.
For Diver=Jamia Masjid Diver to JK Bank Diver.
On 30 July Morning Shift(07Am to 01Pm)
For Sogam=From Fire station Sogam to GHSS Sogam lower Adda.
For Lalpora=Jamia Masjid Lalpora to Sonar.
For Diver=Diver Sumo Adda to Jamia Masjid Diver.
0n 30 July Afternoon Shift (01Pm to 06Pm)
For Sogam=Lone BeautyShop to Kiryana Mohd Akbar Kumar upper Adda.
For Lalpora=Jamia Masjid to Rednaag.
For Diver=Jamia Masjid Diver to JKBank Diver.
Whereas,other areas of Sub Division Lolab shall remain open from 28-07-2020 to 31-07-2020 From 07Am to 06Pm except Red Zone viz.