Sajid Ashraf Wani
Budgam : Panic trigged in Charari Sharif Sub-District Hospital when eight employees of the hospital tested covid-19 positive after coming in contact with a pregnant lady who was already infected.
According to sources, the doctor who operated on the pregnant woman took the risk, which had serious consequences, as at least 18 staff members came in contact with her. Two were reported postive earlier and eight of them have been found positive today.
Talking to the patient’s family, they said, “After his first test was negative, and during the last period of his surgery, he(doctor) did not wait for the original report which caused this problem.” They further added, “Although the patient’s report was negative and another report was coming, it could have transferred the patient to another hospital where the treatment would have been somewhat better.”
Meanwhile hospital management is putting other patients in trouble by keeping the OPD open on a daily basis.
According to Nodal Officer, Dr John those who came in contact with the pregnant lady have been shifted to a specific place.
Now whole area has been fumigated and family members of those who tested positive have been quarantined and their houses have been sanitized as well.
The Block Medical Officer (BMO) in charge at SDH Chrar-i-Sharif, Dr Mastoora while talking to local newspaper, blamed the patient, who she said, “deceived” the gynaecologist at the maternity section.