Adil Salaam
Srinagar :June 13 : While reviewing the functioning of NGOs of the Kashmir Division, Divisional Commissioner Kashmir P.K.Pole chaired a meeting through video conference with all the District Co-ordinators of NGOs along with the heads of NGOs.
The meeting was attended by Divisional Nodal Officer for NGOs of Kashmir Division Sh. Ghulam Jeelani Zargar and all Nodel officers of Kashmir Division.
Nodal Officer Ganderbal Imtiyaz Ahmad along with the heads of all the NGOs of District Ganderbal.
Divisonal Commissioner Kashmir discussed the functioning of the NGOs and strategy to adopt keeping in view the recent spurt in number of positive cases reported in J&K in the last few days. Divisional Commissioner expressed satisfaction over the role of NGOs working in Kashmir while fighting with corona virus and to overcome the present situation but Divisonal Commissioner stressed that we all, as a team, need to ensure that SOPs issued from time to time are observed strictly.
Chairman Pukar NGO Syed Nazakat Khaleefa from Ganderbal expressed dismay over non issuance of Curfew passed for the volunteers from district administration and requested for help from administration so that the noble cause of helping poor is carried out without any impediment. He further stressed upon making blood bank operational in District Hospital Ganderbal and requested District Administration Ganderbal to organise a blood donation camp tomorrow on eve of World Blood Donor Day. He further requested all the NGOs to work in cordial manner in order to get rid of this pandemic.