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DM Ganderbal visits containment area, PHC Kachantakes appraisal of enforcement of lockdown.

Mir Showkat
Ganderbal (info)

Soon after 8 new positive cases on Wednesday were detected in the Red Zone area, village Guzhama, District Magistrate Ganderbal, Shafqat Iqbal visited containment area and inspected the implementation of all relevant advisories and lockdown measures pertaining to pandemic COVID-19, besides took first hand appraisal of availability of essential commodities like food grains, vegetables, LPG etc. in the area.

SSP Ganderbal, Khalil Ahmad Poswal and ADM, Farooq Ahmad Baba also accompanied the DM.

During the visit the DM took an appraisal of the situation wherein he directed for strict implementation of all the requisite advisories and directed the concerned authorities that except medical emergencies, there should be no inward and outward movement of any person from the villages declared red zones to ensure complete lockdown.

He also took the stock of availability of ration and other essential commodities in the Red Zone areas and directed the nominated administrator for Red Zone to ensure home delivery of all essential commodities adhering all related norms with respect to COVID-19.

The concerned BMO was also directed to ensure availability of ambulance in the area.

On the way, the DM also inspected various business units like banks, ATMs and Ration stores where he directed the concerned to take all necessary measures for maintaining social distancing norms.

Meanwhile, DC also inspected the PHC kachan and took stock of various health care facilities there and emphasized for providing all the health services to the patients keeping in view prescribed norms and regulations with respect to COVID-19 like maintaining social distancing, wearing face mask and availability of hand sanitizers.

While urging the people not to panic, the DM said that all 8 new positive cases are from Red Zone (Guzhama Village) which are close contacts of earlier declared COVID Positive Cases who were already quarantined.

He said the restriction measures in the Containment Zones is already intensified besides first round of door to door screening is also completed and second round of screening is being done vigorously in the red zone areas.