(Mushtaq Bhat)
Drug Addiction is a lot like other diseases, such as heart disease. Both disrupt the normal, healthy functioning of an organ in the body. People with addiction have an intense focus on using a certain substance(s) such as alcohol or drugs, to the point that it takes over their life. It also creates a domino effect on the lives of those around them, thus gradually involves society, thus becomes meanace or social evil. The meanace of drug addiction is spreading far & wide in Kashmir valley particularly among the youth including girls which is matter of great concern. Earlier
the urban poor do not having the opportunities for crop production as do the poor in remote rural
areas. However, these were exposed to more varieties of abuse and were more vulnerable in taking
up jobs in the illicit distribution system. More negative role models and opportunities to make illicit
money was found among urban than rural poor but the situation has completely changed now. As the growing & spreading rate of this evil has knocked the doors of people of rular areas. According to one of the official reports of Narcotics Control Bureau of Union Ministry of Home Affairs’s which revealed that J&K is one of the leading erstwhile State in India where maximum drug illicit crops are cultivated.
Drug addiction is a social evil & it is the tragedy of our days that a large number of youth, the future of society falls victims to the habitat of taking drugs. The habit gradually takes over them & they can never shake off this habitat.
The meanace has caused a widespread concern to all the civilised countries of the world because the evil leads to severe consequences including their involvement in anti-social, reckless activities besides all other disorders leading to death penalty. Drug problems have a costly impact also on the workplace as well as the community.
Employers and workers alike are concerned about the consequences of drug and alcohol abuse. According
to experts, “alcohol and drug involvement in accidents, and the impact on such employment indicators
as absenteeism, turnover, medical claims, safety risk and lost productivity, confirm that there are direct
costs involved with drug or alcohol use in the workplace. Pertinently the situation due to spread of drug meanace has come to a critical position on this piece of land & the preventive measures should not be delayed anymore. We must have to stop this meance, otherwise a lot of people will die because of it. Parents can play a primarily role as they are the most powerful influence in their Teenager’s life.
What can parents do to prevent drug abuse?
Take Action.
Study has found that teens who learn about the risks of drugs from their parents are 50% less likely to use drugs. Moreover a general awareness should be awakening in the Government, the Guardians & the youths to fight off the evil together.
We can’t afford to loose anymore time.
“Say no to drugs!!! Right now. “
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