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Education is the passport to the future

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.”

Schools are not closed rather School buildings are locked, teachers are on job and working harder as usual in the shape of community classes, online, offline, virtual etc.
Government should think over the matter as we are lacking computerized schools, we must surpass elite private schools who have support system in place. However in Government Sector we have teachers with high potential and there is larger potential difference between the two but their work in private mode is assisted by the entrepreneurs as they run those schools on business lines. Government should streamline it’s public business and create infrastructure in larger quantities, we must be equipped with latest infrastructure like 4G internet wifi connections, computer labs etc so that we could combat any eventuality in future , we must have disaster preparedness programmes and management in place separate for education department who should be skilled in every manner.

Government should come out with an order making compulsory for every Government Servant to admit their wards in Government schools. When the bureaucrat’s son/daughter will be studying in government school he/she will definitely develop an attention towards the Sector. Blanket ban will serve all the purpose and the performance of the government schools will increase automatically. Our overall budget will never be in deficit , it will become surplus if due attention is paid.

A teacher Serving in Government sector should be granted VIP tag 🔖 so that his/her honour is restored and he/she should receive all facilities which are granted and facilitated to a VIP.

Government should come up with implementation of Education Administrative Service with immediate effect to get rid off from stagnation in promotions, some teachers are confusing it with KAS that is not the case only teachers will be permitted to take the seats 💺 and no KAS /IAS will occupy the seat in education department if EAS is launched it is like other departments who have their respective services at all India level .

These are some recommendations which will definitely help in reorganizing education setup smoothly and will yield marvellous results but the condition is if authorities took sincere efforts on hand.

“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”


Khan Aatif Abdullah
District Media Advisor
Jammu kashmir Teachers Forum Kupwara