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Forest Deparment’s FIR Against Locals, Locals Allege They are innocent

Demands Action Against The Deparment

Waris Fayaz

Sopore, 03 June :  Locals of Hardishiva in North Kashmir’s Sopore town allaegs that forest deparment on Tuesday seized a santro car bearing registration no CH0324 4471 at Bomai Sopore with illegal timber and arrested driver there on spot but forest deparment logged an FIR against the vehicle and the owner of the vehicle in police post Warpora which is not in the juridicition of Bomai ,Now locals question Why FIR was not registered in police station Bomai locals told media.

Locals also allege that forest department had mentioned  4 more persons in its  FIR who  were not involved in this case but the forest officer listed our names without any reason .  
One person among  involved person Saleem Ahamd Reshi told ,”  before two years ago forest officer  used take bride from us usually for helping us out  and then after we apologized to our mohalla committee and submitted an Affidavit  for not smuggling timber again . We stopped giving money to forest officials ,in retaliation put our names in FIR.”
Official Version :
When contacted the official at Forest department ,Ranger of Kandi Belt, Mr Altaf Ahmed, There is nothing in registering FIR in police post Warpora, He also said when we seized the illegal timber with vehicle (Santro) 06 persons were in the vehicle.
In addition to this when asked about more details he dropped the call and later switched off his cellphone.
Police Version :
According to Police, only driver has  been arrested by forest department who is in police post Warpora  presently  and matter is being investigated.