Sakib Dass
Anantnag:- To prevent public from the deadly Coronavirus and as a precautionary measure Private organization Nizamia Education Group on Friday distributed Sanitizers and Masks at free of Cost at Government Medical College Anantnag.
During the event, Mr.Wajahat Bin Jaleel of Nizamuddin Group Of Education With his team members distributed Sanitizer and masks among the patients and attendants who were at the beds in Hospital.
Soon after the event, Some pictures Went viral on social media with a Caption that the Nizamia Group Of Education has done a Violation of Section 144 Crpc by inviting a gathering inside the hospital.
While Speaking on this Issue Mr Wajahat Bin Jalal who is Business Development Manager at Nizamia Education Group said that “We were given permission to distribute from bed to bed.
We have not done any violation of the Government Order, the incident which took place was indiscipline created by common publice , when we started to Give Hand Sanitizers and Masks at free of cost to the patients and their attendants at their respective beds to prevent them from the Ongoing threat of Coronavirus.
“The general public gathered in an indiscipline manner and tried to take sanitizers and masks by force . We asked them to refrain from creating panic in hospital but they created Choas which created problem for smooth functioning inside the hospital, he said,