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IK Vox Pop: What local residents of Budgam say about facing miseries without electricity

By | Aadil Salaam

Electricity has always been an important issue throughout the valley.  Although it lasts to some extent in summer, it disappears suddenly during snowy days. In this regard, I tried to get the opinion of different people. Their reaction was something like this.

“I have a completely different way to think on these matters, personally I think The problem faced by us today is due to the negligence that we did in summers. How can I say anyone to climb a Tree and restore my power supply in this sought of chill When they are not even fully equipped to do so. They too are humans, yes we should blame them not what they are doing today but what they did in summers for the preparation of winters.Simply as we do in our homes prepare Coals in summers for winters, If we haven’t had done that how could we claim now regarding the making of coal”.

– Mubashir Abdullah Wani, Jnr Lab Scientist

“Hospitals doesn’t work properly for carrying out treatments to patients especially those of x-rays, etc.Common household chores are compelled to a standstill, which almost puts a family to starve.The frozen temperature decreases the indoor activities due to non-availability of electricity. In these current times, when every work is going online, for the electric appliances to function, electricity is must operationalize them.Online education is a fanciful idea to even imbibe without having electricity.The staggering stoppage of electricity in winters puts normal life in different miseries”.

– Aabid Mushtaq,  Law Student.

“The administration is not proactive to swing into action as snow has stranded all people here. Every citizen is facing problem as snow has not been cleared properly on roads and lanes. The long power cuts are creating a lot of problems to the households and effects business of town but we are grateful to line workers as we could see them on the ground trying their best to repair Light as soon as possible”.

– Sufi Auqib, Author.

“We hardly need electricity during the night. As our business schedule is 10am to 6 pm. We are having a lot of problems despite giving a handsome fee charged to the department. In these tough times, electricity is something that can make us able to overcome these tough situations”.

– Mohammad Yusuf, a Shopkeeper

“Due to the recent heavy snowfall, the roads have become slippery and prone to accidents. As hard it is for the people in vehicles, it is just as hard for the pedestrians too. The potholes submerged in water are hardly visible, due to which people stumble and at times get injured. Above all, to add to the miseries of an average Kashmiri is the shortage of electricity.
People are not able to charge their phones, their led lanterns, inverters and every other charging device. Unavailability of electricity throws people into darkness. Other electric appliances have become useless, we can’t cook food in rice cookers, can’t use room heaters and blowers. It’s very hard to survive winters like this”.

– Sartaj Hussain, Student of Mass Communication.

“It is becoming very difficult to live without electricity on these stormy nights.  Although the department will not be able to solve this problem these days, they should find a solution to this problem in the summer, so that the common people do not have to face difficulties”.

– Abdul Gani, a Local.

“As far as the power supply is concerned.There has been a disturbing problem in our town in particular and the whole valley in general …!
Despite paying huge amount money as electricity fee, our wounds are salted still”.

– Asim Assadi, Poet, Author.

“The heavy snowfall has already added miseries to the people in every way. The administration must have been prepared for this heavy snow prediction. They must have made all arrangements on the eve of this. People have a reason to get anguished on lack of basic facilities”.

-Sajad Hussain, Local Resident.