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Chak-Kigam Camp under the aegis of Charkut Garrision continues its effort to reach out to common people aiming at harmonious integration of AWAM in the region.

The Indian Army took an initiative and conducted Village Mela for the Awam of Kandi-Kigam area.

The schedule of the Village Mela was so designed to be a mix of Village games along with cultural and motivational touch to it which also covered medical and civil aid to the needy people.

MOTIVATIONAL TALKS- The event was inaugurated by oldest lady of Gujjarpati by cutring the ribbon which was followed by motivational talk by the Principal of Secondary School, Kigam. The talk by the successful people covered the strength of Gujjars, Bakarwals and Kashmiri to grow in the field of their own choosing through education.

VILLAGE GAMES- The event continued with the Village games which covered all the age sections of the people. It included 50 meters sprint for women upto 30 years of age, Horse Race, Jerrycane race with 20 kg load for age group 21 to 30 years,Blind Folded Hit, Ring Throw, Hand Folded Chocalate Race, Ball Thrower etc The participation by the locals for the village games was sporting which symbolized their interest, strength as well as zeal and the winners of various events were felicitated by the Chief guests.

PATRIOTIC SKIT- The event then continued with the patriotic skit organised by the local children of Kigam and Kandi where they depicted their love for the country.

CIVIL AID- During the Village Mela Indian Army distributed Solar Lights to ensure the electricity in their house Also Health and Hygeine items were distributed to ensure personal health during this pandemic.

MEDICAL AID- The event was conducted keeping the safety of the locals by taking safety precaution of maintaining social distancing, sanitisation and encouraging the use of masks by distributing additional masks.

Distribution of Study Material and Sports Items To engage the youth inconstructive way study material and Sports items were also distributed amongst the kids and locals.

The Village Mela is not only a sign of support and assistance but also an indication of standing hand to hand with the AWAM of Kupwara at every difficult times.,

Humsaya Hain Hum
Indian Army