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By | Sideeqi Naseer |
IK Special OP-ED Columnist

The Holy Quran has the complete code of conduct for the Muslim ummah. 1400
years ago, the matters that are pertaining today were discussed by Allah Almighty and
spread by our Prophets and their followers. Regardless of how quickly the time is
passing, science today agrees upon the various benefits stated in the Quran and sunnah
for the betterment of humankind. This article is not about the glory of Islamic
Medicine of past 1000 years which produced great physicians like al Razi and Ibn
This article is also not about virtues of honey, the center point of discussion in most
of the articles written these days on Islamic Medicine.
This also is not an article saying that since science has now confirmed certain Quranic
statements, therefore Quran must be a divine book. To the contrary, we begin with
the belief that all Quranic statements are true, science has confirmed some of them in
the past, and will confirm the rest in the future. If science has not confirmed it yet, it
needs to examine its data more deeply, or maybe repeat the experiment, rather than
question the authenticity of Quran.
The Quran is not a book of medicine or of health sciences,but in it there are hints
which lead to guidelines in health and diseases. Prophet Mohammed (peace and
blessings be upon him) has been sent as an example to mankind so his traditions in
matters of health and personal hygiene are also a guide for his followers. We all are
aware about that there are many verses in holy Quran in which Allah Subhan watala
says about the importance of some plants and there are many Hadith in which there
mentiones the medicinal uses of some plants which are mentioned in they holy Quran.
Here in this article I will t discuss about the medicinal uses of some plants mentioned
in the holy book Quran and I will try to mention the scientific background of the uses
of these plants. Let’s take a look at the fruits mentioned in the Quran, and Hadith
and find out their benefits.
1.1 Ficus carica Linn:
English Name: Common Fig
Arabic Name: Teen, Himaat

Urdu Name: Injeer Zard, Anjeer
Family: Moraceae
Distribution: Asia, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Algeria, Morocco, Portugal,
Parts used: Roots, leaves and fruits
Medicinal Uses:
This is used in different disorders such as gastrointestinal (colic, indigestion, loss of
appetite and diarrhea), respiratory (sore throats, coughs and bronchial problems),
inflammatory and cardiovascular disorders. Fig has been traditionally used for its
medicinal benefits as metabolic, cardiovascular, respiratory, antispasmodic and anti￾inflammatory remedy. The root is tonic, useful in leucoderma and ringworm. The
fruit is sweet, antipyretic, tonic, purgative useful in inflammation, weakness, paralysis,
thirst “Vatta diseases” of head, diseases of liver and spleen, pain in chest, cures piles,
stimulate growth of hair. The milky juice is expectorant, diuretic, and dangerous for
Fig latex is used as an anthelmintic. The Ficus carica leaf has been reported
hypoglycemic,hepatoprotective and latex reported the anthelmintic activity.
Scientific background:
Dried figs are an excellent source of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.
There are 5 grams of fiber in every three-fig serving. This high
concentration of fiber helps promote healthy, regular bowel function and
prevents constipation.
The fiber in figs also helps to reduce weight and is often recommended
for obese people
Figs contain Pectin, which is a soluble fiber, which in turn helps in lowering
cholesterol. Dried figs contain phenol, Omega-3 and Omega-6. These
fatty acids reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

The presence of fiber helps to stimulate the elimination of free radicals
and other cancer causing substances, particularly in the colon, since fiber
increases the healthy movement of the bowels.
Figs act as a high fiber treat that helps promote functional control of
diabetes. Fig leaves reduce the amount of insulin needed by diabetic
patients who have to regularly take insulin injections.
FigFig leaf tea has been popularly prescribed for various respiratory
conditions like bronchitis, and it is also used as a way to prevent and lessen
the symptoms of asthmatic patients.
The high mucilage content in figs helps to heal and protect sore throats.
The soothing nature of figs and their natural juices can relieve pain and
stress on the vocal chords.
References from Quran and Hadith:
By the fig and the olive!Sura 95(Sura At-Tin (The Fig) ‚ Verse 1)
Hazrat Abu Darda (Radi allahu Anhu) narrates that Rasullullah
(SallallhuAlayhiWasallam) said,
“Eat fig, for it cures the piles and is useful for rheumatism” [13].
Hazrat Abu Darda (RadiallahoAnho) narrates that someone presented the
Prophet a plate of figs and
he said, “Eat figs! If I would say a certain type of fruit was sent down to us
from the heavens I would
say it’s a fig because it has no seeds. It ends (cures) the piles and is useful
for rheumatism” [14].
1.2 Olea Europeae
English Name: Olive

Arabic Name: Zaiytoon
Urdu Name: زیتون
Family: Oleaceae
Distribution: Found in Central Asian countries
Parts used: Fruit and oil.
Medicinal Uses:
The medicinal uses of different parts of Olea europaea. Olive oil was
recognized as an important component of a healthy diet. Several
epidemiological studies have shown that the incidence of coronary heart
disease and certain cancers is low in the Mediterranean basin where the
diet is rich in olive products. Historically, olive leaves have been used as a
folk remedy for combating fevers and other diseases such as malaria.
Previous studies showed that some extracts of this product decreased
blood pressure in animals and increased blood flow in coronary arteries,
relieved arrhythmia, and prevented intestinal muscle spasms. A
phytochemical investigation reported that oleuropein was isolated from
the leaves of Olea europaea. This compound is known for possessing a
wide range of pharmacologic and health promoting properties including
anti-arrhythmic, spasmolytic, immune stimulant, cardio protective,
hypotensive, antihyperglycemic, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory
Scientific background:
Olives possess a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid, which has been
linked to preventing heart disease. The oil of olives is where this oleic acid
is located, and it is responsible for lowering blood pressure, which reduces
the chances of cardiovascular complications and general stress on the
Phenolic compounds like hydroxytyrosol act as anticoagulants to thin the
blood, which reduces the chances of blood clots developing and
dangerously blocking the flow of blood. Aside from that, the same
phenolic compound also eases blood vessel tension and dilates the blood
vessels, which reduces the strain on the heart and increases blood flow
around the body in a healthy way.
Olives contain significant amounts of antioxidants which protect cell
membranes against diseases like cancer.
Olives help to reduce inflammation throughout the body after eating
them, which includes a reduction in pain and irritation in the joints,
muscles, injuries, tendons.
Olives eliminate excess cholesterol in the blood, due to the presence of
Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) in them.
Oleuropein, that valuable chemical component of olives, also functions as
an antimicrobial and antibacterial booster in the body. Eating plenty of
olives increases the presence of this chemical, which defends against
bacterial infections throughout the body, both internally and externally.
Olives are a great source of vitamin E, which is a major factor in protecting
our skin. Olives are a great protection against anaemia, as they rich in iron
and copper.
Linoleic acid present in olive oil is especially useful for breastfeeding
mothers. Since it contributes to the natural development of the infant’s
brain and nervous system before and after birth.
Olives also prevents bone loss and osteoporosis. Presence of
hydroxytyrosol, as well as oleuropein, results in increased calcium
deposition and bone growth, leading to a distinct drop in osteoporosis.
References from Quran and Hadith:
And it is He who sends down rain from the sky, and We produce thereby
the growth of all things. We produce from it greenery from which We
produce grains arranged in layers. And from the palm trees – of its
emerging fruit are clusters hanging low. And [We produce] gardens of
grapevines and olives and pomegranates, similar yet varied. Look at [each
of] its fruit when it yields and [at] its Turipening. Indeed in that are signs
for a people who believe. (Sura Al-An am (The Cattle)‚ verse 99)
And He it is who causes gardens to grow, [both] trellised and untrellised,
and palm trees and crops of different [kinds of] food and olives and
pomegranates, similar and dissimilar. Eat of [each of] its
fruit when it yields and give its due [zakah] on the day of its harvest. And
be not excessive. Indeed, He does not like those who commit excess.
(Sura Al-An am (The Cattle)‚ verse 141)
He causes to grow for you thereby the crops, olives, palm trees,
grapevines, and from all the fruits.Indeed in that is a sign for a people who
give thought. (Sura An-Nahl (The Bee)‚ verse 11)
And [We brought forth] a tree issuing from Mount Sinai which produces
oil and food for those who eat. (Sura Al-Muminun (The Believers)‚ verse
Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His light
is like a niche within which is a lamp, the lamp is within glass, the glass as
if it were a pearly [white] star lit from [the oil of] a blessed olive tree,
neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow even if
untouchedby fire. Light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He
wills. And Allah presents examples for the people, and Allah is knowing
of all things. (Sura An-Nur (The Light)‚ verse 35).
And olive and palm trees. (Sura Abasa (He Frowned)‚ verse 29).
By the fig and the olive. (Sura At-Tin (The Fig)‚ verse 1) and [by] Mount
Sinai (Sura At-Tin (The Fig)‚ verse 2).

Saied al-Ansari narrates that the Prophet said,
“Eat the olive oil and massage it over your bodies since it is a blessed tree.”
[at-Tirmidhi, ibn Maja]
Indeed, Allah Ta’ala has mentioned the Olive tree as being blessed as well;
“a blessed Tree, an Olive, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil is
well-nigh luminous..”
[surah 24: 35]

Abu Hurairah RadiAllahu Ta’ala anhu narrates that the Prophet stated, “Eat
the olive oil and apply it (locally), since there is cure for seventy diseases in
it, one of them is Leprosy.”

Khalid Bin Sa’d narrates “I came to Madinah with Ghalib Bin Al Jabr.
Ghalib became ill during the journey. Ibn Abi Ateeq came to see him and
told a narration from Aisha that the Prophet told about the cure in Kalonji.
We crushed a few seeds of Kalonji and mixed it with olive oil and dropped
in both nostrils, after which Ghalib became healthy.”

Imam Tirmidhi (in the Shama’il of at-Tirmidhi) mentions that it was
reported that the Prophet used so much olive oil that his shawl was often
saturated with it.
HazratHazrat Abu huraira (R.A.) narrated that Rasullullah
(SallallahoAlayhiWasallam) said “Eat the olive oil and massage it over
your bodies since it is a holy (mubarak) tree” [13].

( Author Has completed M.SC )