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By | Sideeqi Naseer |
IK Special OP-ED Columnist

1.3 Punica granatum:
English Name: Pomegranate
Arabic Name: ar-rumman
Urdu Name: Anar
Family: Punicaceae
Distribution: Central Asia, The Caucasus, south-west Asia and the
Parts used: Bark, root, flower, fruit. Bark contain alkaloids. Root:
alkaloids, pseudo-palletierine,
palletierine, isopalletierine, methyl palletierine. Flower: sitosterol, tanins
– punicalagin &punicalin. Fruits: Mannose, Galactose, rhamnose,
arabinose, glucose, galactouronic acid Medicinal Uses:
Punica granatum as such bears long history for medicinal use. Many
studies have shown roots to
have effective anthelmintic properties. It is known to have anti-microbial
property against Salmonella typhi and Vibrio cholera, the parasite Giardia
and as well as amoeba and includes some viruses too. In particular the
peel extract of Punicagranatum has extensively been studied for its
antioxidant activity, cytotoxic activity, hypoglycemic activity,
hepatoprotective activity and anti-inflammatory activity .
Punicagranatum used as anti-parasitic agent, a blood tonic, and to heal
aphtae, diarrhoea and ulcers.
In the Unani system, practiced in the Middle East and India, and
according to the same review, pomegranate was described also a remedy
for diabetes. A recent review reported the chemical constituents of diverse
parts of P. granatum as well as their potential for prevention and treatment
of inflammation and cancer.
Scientific background:
Regular intake of pomegranate juice can maintain good flow of the blood,
because of this property, it subsequently decreases the risk of heart attacks
and strokes.
Pomegranates contain high levels of antioxidants called flavonoids. These
flavonoids are known to be effective in counteracting various cancer
radials.One of the best benefits of pomegranates is that their juice, along
with its antibacterial and antiviral properties, helps to reduce the effects of
dental plaque and protects against various oral diseases.
Pomegranates are used medicinally for diarrhea, earache, bad vision,
fevers. They maintain the body’s potassium-sodium balance, and help the
nervous and muscular senses to function regularly.
Pomegranates revive tired muscles and enable them to move easily, and
also strengthen the heart.
Pomegranate seedoil contains punicicacid(65.3%), palmitic
acid (4.8%), stearic acid(2.3%), oleic acid (6.3%), and linoleic
References from Quran and Hadith:
And it is He who sends down rain from the sky, and we produce thereby
the growth of all things.
We produce from it greenery from which we produce grains arranged in
layers. And from the palm trees – of its emerging fruit are clusters hanging
low. And [We produce] gardens of grapevines and olives and
pomegranates, similar yet varied. Look at [each of] its fruit when it yields
and [at] its ripening. Indeed in that are signs for a people who believe.
(Sura Al-An am (The Cattle)‚ verse 99)
And He it is who causes gardens to grow, [both] trellised and untrellised,
and palm trees and crops of different [kinds of] food and olives and
pomegranates, similar and dissimilar. Eat of [each of] its fruit when it yields and give its due [zakah] on the day of its harvest. And be not excessive.
He does not like those who commit excess. (Sura Al-An am (The Cattle)‚
verse 141)
In both of them are fruit and palm trees and pomegranates. (Sura Ar￾Rahman (The Beneficent)‚verse 68)
Hazrat Anas bin Malik (RadiyallahuAnhu) narrated that the Prophet
(SallallahuAlayhiWasallam) said, “There is not a pomegranate which does
not have a pip from one of the pomegranates of the Garden (of Jannah)
in it” [13,23]
Hazrat Ali عنه هللا رضي says that Nabiصلى الله عليه وسلم said, eat Rumman (الرمان (
(pomegranate) (Anaar) and its internal coating (a thin membrane like), it
coats the stomach.
[Abu Nu-aim: 365]
(The coating acts on healing of gastric ulcers & beneficial for whole
There are other sayings and hadiths about the benefits of pomegranate

1.4:Zingiber Officinale:
English Name: Ginger
Arabic Name: Zanjabil
Urdu Name: Adrak
Family: Zingiberaceae
Distribution: Bangladesh, Yaman, Oman, Seralone, India and
Parts used: Fruit
Medicinal Uses:
Zingiber Officinale (Roscoe), commonly known as ginger, belonging to
the family Zingiberaceaeis a familiar dietary spice attributed with several
medicinal properties. Z. officinale has a long history of use in ailments
such as nausea, respiratory disorders, cardiovascular health and rheumatic
disorders. Z. officinale also has immunomodulatory properties and is
reported to inhibit various inflammatory mediators such as prostaglandins
and pro-inflammatory cytokines.
Ginger as an anti-inflammatory agent, while that of dealt with the cancer
prevention properties of the crude drug. The actions of ginger as a post￾operative anti-emetic substance were the subject.
Scientific background:
Ginger is a good source of vitamins A, B, C, and E, as well as minerals
including calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and
Only 80 calories are found in 100 grams of fresh ginger, along with 2
grams of protein, 1 gram of fat, and 2 grams of fiber
The phenolic compounds that make this plant so aromatic – the gingerols,
paradols, and shogaols – are powerful antioxidants as well as anti￾inflammatory and antimicrobial agents. The powerful compound found in
ginger, gingerol, has been shown to reduce reactive oxygen species and stop
melanogenesis (the production of melanin), which causes pigmentation in
the skin.
As a mood enhancer (ginger’s cineole) content may help to relief stress and
dried ginger may improve poor memory (using 1 gram and powder in warm
milk). Research shows that ginger can reverse the damaging side effects (headaches, migraines, eye damage, fatigue, drowsiness, depression,
numbness, muscle spasms, nausea, rashes, rapid heartbeat, chest pain, etc)
that Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), a common food additive, has on vital
dopamine, serotonin, and other neurotransmitters responsible for proper
brain function and ginger helps to maintain this neurotransmitters
(chemical of brain).
The characteristic odour and flavor of ginger is caused by a mixture
of zingerone, shogaols, and gingerols, volatile oils that compose one to
three percent of the weight of fresh ginger. In laboratory animals, the
gingerols increase the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and
have analgesic, sedative, antipyretic & anti-bacterial properties. Gingerols
can inhibit growth of ovarian cancer cells in vitro -gingerol (1-[4′-hydroxy-
3′-methoxyphenyl]-5-hydroxy-3-decanone) is the major pungent principle
of ginger.
References from Quran:
And they will be given to drink a cup [of wine] whose mixture is of ginger
(Sura Al-insan (The
Man)‚ verse 17)
And they will be given to drink there of a cup (of wine) mixed with Zanjabil
(ginger), A spring there
called Salsabil.(Ad-Dahr, Ayah 17-18).
And it is also mentioned in books that , Hazrat Abu Saeed Al khudri رضي
عنه هللا says that, the king of Rome, Byzantine sent to Nabiصلى الله عليه وسلم a jar of ginger
(الزنجبيل (pickle, as a gift (hadiya). Nabiصلى الله عليه وسلم accepted the pickle, and gave it
little-little to each person, even Abu Saeed عنه هللا رضي got some.
[Abu Nu-aim: 161]

1.5 Vitis vinifera:
English name: Grape
Arabic name: Inab
Urdu name: Angoor
Family: Vitaceae
Distribution: Asia, North America and Europe under subtropical,
Part used: Fruits, leaves.
Medicinal Uses:
The common grape V. viniferais a historically important plant. Resveratol,
a non-flavanoid biomolecule is found in significant quantities in red wine
and has been reported to possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and
anticancer properties. It reliefs fever & cough & lungs infection. It is good
for digestion, constipation, beneficial in all disease, removes weakness &
good for skin, organs, etc
Scientific background:
Grape juice has recently been found to be an important source of
Flavonoids that can lower risk for cancer, lower cholesterol, prevent
hardening of the arteries and fight heart disease. In 1996 scientists noticed
that although the French ate four times more butter and lard as Americans
and had higher cholesterol and blood pressure that they had two and a half
times less incidences of heart attacks. (Because French people drink grapes
juice more).

( Author Has completed M.SC )