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No Scheduled Electricity During Suhoor Iftaar Timings in Pattan Villages

Lighting Kerosene Lamps To Provide Light During Pre-dawn feast, Residents Claimed

Yaseen Shabaz Malik


Unscheduled power cuts in several villages of pattan of north Kashmir’s Baramulla district are continues to stay in tune during the month of Holy Ramadhan.

Power woes continuous stay in tune in Ussan,Goushbugh, Aglar, Lolipora, Andergam and other villages. The said villages are witnessed of long power cuts.

Frequent power cuts during the holy month of Ramzan were creating numerous problems for us in fasting routine, No scheduled power supply is being provided to us claimed the residents of the area.

The Inhabitants of the area facing immense hardships during this month of Ramadhan and could be seen complaining that major power cuts become a norm here in these villages.

Ab Rashid local resident of Aglar told this reporter over phone, ”We are reeling under darkness since starting of Ramadan, PDD is not taking any step to readdress the long power cuts”.

”Our area is neglected, we are irked by long power cuts and the authorities are not provide us scheduled power supply”, said Ishfaq Ahmad a resident of the area.

When contacted the concerned Inspector he told that “the department is busy in repairing the wire lines in the said area and the electricity will be provided on scheduled based after Four days”.

“Only 10 Am to 4 pm the power supply remains affected, after that we provide power supply smoothly” he adds.