Every year, on 3rd of December, Advocates day is celebrated throughout the country with great enthusiasm and vigour, to commomerate birth anniversary of eminent lawyer and first President of India, Dr Rajindra Prasad.
Adv Abdul Majid Banday said, “although this day, no holiday is observed, but it is specially dedicated to the lawyers. He added, “this day is commemorated to look into the the dedication, consistency and hard work of legal fraternity”. While commenting on the broader role of legal fraternity he laid emphasis on the duties of advocates, as officers of the court, towards the judiciary and whole society”.
Mr Banday made it clear, “this day is special for all lawyers and advocates throughout the country”. He added, ” we need to celebrate this day with vigour and enthusiasm to highlight the role of legal fraternity within the courts,”
Mr Banday in his statement said, “People associated with administration of justice have a huge role to play in these testing times. We need to restore honour and dignity of lawyers so that people will repose their trust on legal community. Our primary focus must be “to minimise the gap between lawyers and public and within the legal fraternity itself”. We equally need to educate the masses about the hardwork advocates put during the course of administration of justice. Role of advocates in a society need to be highlighted through various programmes and their professional life and hardwork needs to be appreciated.”
To sum up, “role of lawyers within the legal fraternity, their relationship with allied departments and with public at large needs to be discussed on appropriate forums”. Lawyers need to work endlessly for the smooth functioning of administration of justice”. Additionally, “Govt must ensure that any pandemic situation may not create a situation where lawyers suffer like Covid19 has been doing from the past several months, said Mr Banday.