Online Classes is an acceptable initiative but how to cover cent percent of students is the matter of grave concern.
By | Adil Ishaq
As the COVID-19 outbreak resulted in closing down of all educational institutions across the country. At the meantime, Kashmir is witnessing the same. Well, it’s not something new in Kashmir that schools have been closed in the middle of the academic session. It is a wonted phenomenon in Kashmir and students always have to suffer loses. To overcome the academic loss of the students, the Government of UT Of J&K has taken an initiative of online classes through Zoom App and youtube which is surely the need of the hour. But due to revocation of Special Status of J&K and the circumstances aftermath, the region is barred for high-speed internet connectivity. So, it is hardly possible for the students to take advantage of this online classes initiative on 2G, neither the teachers can deliver their services up to the mark. This Online Classes Initiative has many obstacles like slow internet connectivity, non-availability of smartphones with the parents of children enrolled in Govt. Schools, non-availability of internet access with some parents and children, poor network in some areas of the valley, less exposure to internet use among the parents. If we talk about the coverage, on an average 10% of students are able to take benefit of online classes. The rest of the students remain unreached of this privilege and there arises a demand for alternate remedies. Here are some alternatives that the administration at the helm of the affairs need to look upon so that the majority of students can be reached.
■ Solved Assignments in PDF Format should be provided to the students through WhatsApp.
■ Offline Classes(through audio calls) should be conducted after providing solved assignments in the form of hard copies.
■ Those children who can’t be covered in any of the above alternatives should be given solved assignments through hard copies at doorsteps.
■ A Zonal Level Phone Helpline to be started for Educational Queries, where students and parents can contact to know about the different means of education available in this turmoil.
■ There are many essential service agencies working on the ground by following proper advisories. In the same the education has equal importance, the department should come up with the rendition of education at doorsteps by different means.
■ Live Classes on Television which is already being Conducted on Kashir Channel and other channels also. What is need to be done, more and more awareness through advertisements on WhatsApp and other social media platforms about the same.
The time demands the rendition of education at the door step. Following, the rise of covid positive cases double in numbers across the different districts of J&K, it seems like social distancing and the lockdown thereof is going for a very long time. So the stakeholders of the education department must have a proper channel for the future so that the education can be rendered despite being in continuous lockdowns and social distancing. This way we can minimise the loss of the academic of the students.
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