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Press Club Rajouri anguished over remarks by MC President

Local body leaders hiding their failure under the garb of criticizing media reports
July 6
The journalist fraternity of Rajouri under the banner of Press Club Rajouri on Monday expressed serious concern over remarks passed by President of Municipal Council Rajouri and termed it an attempt of elected representatives of local bodies to hide their failure and mis-governance.

A meeting of club was held in Rajouri in which all the journalists and elected chairperson of the club were present.

In the meeting, the main issue discussed was of a media interview given by President of Municipal Council Rajouri, Mohammad Arif Jatt who issued ‘sensitive’ remarks against two journalists without naming anyone.

All the media person and participants of the meeting said that president of municipal council used ‘arrow in the air’ tactics to defame entire media fraternity by leveling allegations.

” He should have specified his comments and should have named the two but by generalising his statement, president have tried to defame entire media fraternity of Rajouri which is unacceptable.” all the members said.

They added that the functioning of municipal council Rajouri is under severe criticism from all quarters of society and except workers of a single political party, no other in the town is expressing good remarks for the present state of affairs in local body and to hide their failure, municipal leaders are opening a front against journalists of Rajouri.

” He should come up with evidence in support of his remarks but talking in air without any evidence and fact is unacceptable and not a part of healthy society.” the press club members and representatives said.

They said that recently some media persons carried news in print and electronic platforms against municipal council for its gross failure to come up as per the expectations of masses which has also developed a public outcry and to divert the tension, the local body chairperson are following a tactic to target media fraternity and to shift public attention.

” Why there is no garbage dumping site in Rajouri and garbage is still being dumped in open on riverside against orders of Hon’ble court and why most of the street lights installed in recent months are lying close?” media persons questioned besides adding that condition of lane and drains is in front of all whereas there are no passenger sheds at all vital places, the implementation of construction norms is in front of everyone with rampant illegal construction going on everywhere.

” Is it wrong that media person are highlighting these issues through their news?” they asked.

The participants also said that recently a RTI was filed by some media person and the reply clearly state something suspicious going on inside municipal council Rajouri in terms of  orders of purchase of street lights in the town, allotment of funds for construction of bathrooms which are focussed in single ward and attempts of media person to unearth the foul play in the local body is fuming the leaders who are trying to defame journalists by talking in air.

” Why municipal leaders are worried after one of the journalist filed a RTI to share details of all the contractual employees working in municipal council with everyone aware that wards of some influential people from town are enrolled in council.” the media person present in the meeting said adding that why municipal council is so worried about working of media after journalists started to highlight their loopholes.

President Press Club Rajouri, Avinash Jasyal said that such remarks by an elected local body leader are unacceptable.

” We demand president of municipal council either to come up with some evidences in support of his allegations or to tender an apology from media fraternity.” Avinash said.

He further asked municipal council leaders to come up with a statement on white paper to narrate their achievements in Rajouri town from last more than an year.