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The objective of Fasting is to achieve “Taqwa”

By | Mudair Ahmad

Allah says: oh! My slaves Come back I am your ‘Rab’. Don’t turn away from me as you have no any other way to get succeeded in your life. “Do worship and achieve Taqwa” that I want from you. “Taqwa” cleans you internally when you come out of ignorance by abandoning dirty practices. Our Islam frequently insists we in the holy Quran stop doing such ill practices that harm our Emaan.

These become the hindrances that stymie us from seeking the divine’s path to enlighten our inner souls. The month of Ramadan conveys the same message for the entire Muslims is to get Taqwa by discovering that path in which we meet our Allah. This is the first prerequisite that we have faith in his existence that he is the creator of this universe. It can truly change us when we worship and doing good deeds just to please him. Indeed our heart is tainted by dirty deeds that have laid down a scar over it. This scar is constantly growing to get further darkened and dead. In this phase, a human being feels that his heart is just a stone inside the rib cage to have liveliness or not. Let’s understand this example. If a stone is badly weathered by gushing water carried away sediments and wastes. Does anyone put it on sale without engraving and polishing? Will, anybody buys it from the market if not polished? The answer is No. The reason, this stone has lost its shine which was the significant parameter for determining its true worth in the market.

Likewise, this phenomenon fits well in understanding the Human heart that too would lose its spiritual shine when getting on dark scar by our sins. It is right to say that it will taint the heart accordingly as the flowing water has tarnished the stone by accumulating on sediments. To refresh our Emaan and hold a strong connection with Allah. We must forsake all such ill practices and seek shelter under him. There are many rewards in the holy month of Ramadan for which Allah promises us. One of the rewards is forgiveness. If we have done infinite sins even if they are tantamount to the mountain or if they are equal to foam of the sea. Allah promises us that he will rub all sins in our book of Accounts and open it by adding the new virtues from onwards.

So, his mercy and forgiveness can not be measured by any measuring scale as it is limitless. Allah has kept the repentance door open to get forgiveness and start a new phase of life which brings us very close to achieve proximity with Allah. To purify ourselves inwardly we must find the right path to get spiritually connected all-time with him by doing his worship regularly. Those who have strong faith in him receive blessings from time to time in different facets on account of their good deeds which they perform selflessly only to please him. It is mentioned that Some important worshipping practices are to be performed in a specific period like Ramadan. Allah addresses us at many places in the Al-Quran. Oh! My slaves wake up before getting severe punishment hereafter.

Fasting in the holy month of Ramadan is considered a type of practice in Islam so that we can get very close to Allah. This course of fasting lasts for one month and it has its own time to set in. In fasting, we stop having day meals as we are not allowed to eat anything from dawn to dusk this month. We stop completely drinking, not eating which can break the fast. We must eschew many other things like talking unnecessarily with others, abusing anyone, arguing with others, behaving ignorantly as such during the time of fasting. This month has plenty of benefits for the Muslims. There is a verse in Surat al-Baqarah related to this month of fasting wherein Allah addresses to us: O you believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you that you may become righteous.

We perform this practice physically in which we forsake all those things which could break our fast. By continuously doing this practice this month is enlightening us spiritually. With the above verse, Allah merely wants Taqwa from us. The month of Ramadan in itself a reward for Muslims in which we shun all those activities which keep on darkening our heart and absenting the soul from the remembering of Allah. So this practice is very significant that is the main purpose of Ramadan. We should stick to worshipping more this month by reciting Quran, offer obligatory prayers, and supererogatory prayers, etc.

We have faith in Allah that he will absolve our all past sins which we did knowingly or unknowingly. Indeed, fasting is meant to instill this virtuous quality within us and its associated virtues of good character, generosity, patience, purity of heart, and sn. In this way, fasting acts as a shield that protects us from sin and ultimately from the punishment of Allah in the hereafter. From this, we observe one unique message that we have to keep on refraining from small and grave sins to live a prosperous and happy life. This month gives us time to remember our Lord and keep on remembering him at every moment. Insha Allah, will forgive us all sins and direct us towards the right path.

The author has done M.Sc from University of Kashmir