A Person with high calibre and Dedication can carve out ways for millions.
Adil Ishaq
This Leprous Daybreak, Dawn Night’s Fangs Have Mangled,
This Is Not That Long-Looked-For Break of Day?
Usually, we have seen and we believe that the bureaucratic life is a busiest . It’s hardly possible for a bureaucrat/administrator to spare some extra time even for their families out of their scheduled time. It’s not that they have no emotions or family responsibilities at all or they are not socialist in nature but the fact is they have moulded themselves to work with concentration and responsibility. Being at the apex of administrative setups, they are accountable to many things in an organisation they are administering like controlling, performing and managing affairs.
Robert Ingersoll says “We Rise By Lifting Others”. And this quote has been reflected in the doings of a person I’m going to talk about here. What this person has done is completely praiseworthy and appreciable. A person who is just in his 30s yet has this much dedication and enthusiasm to uplift every person with whom he is concerned is unbelievable.
He is none other than Dr Bilal Mohi-u-din Bhat (IAS 2016, AIR 10), currently posted in Karnah as Sub Divisional Magistrate. The division where he is serving is a very small hamlet in the North-West Kashmir. The literacy rate of this area viz Karnah is 50.39% (male 62.79%, female 33.72%) as per census 2011. However, it is estimated that it would be around 60%plus literacy rate in 2021 census due to many factors like the establishment of a Degree College, many Higher Seconadaries and many High and middle schools in the last decade. Since past, this fertile land has produced many doctors, engineers, teachers, police and army officers, etc.
Moreover, it would be more important to mention here that this hamlet has given birth to many Civil Servants and aspirants also. But the chain that makes every aspirant to get inspired by the achievers is missing so far. That is despite having a good number of civil servants in this small hamlet, institutionalizing the concept of civil services among the educated masses could not be initiated so far. However, it doesn’t mean that the youths are unaware of this concept and the achievers of this line did not remain interested.
Since long few people are aware about this concept, that’s why the area has earned One IRS, 8 KAS and 2 KPS scale officers from different corners of the valley so far. These achievers of the time, however, have inspired many others but could not institutionalise the civil services concept in the valley due to getting posted out of this area. They got a very least chance to serve their own people otherwise the picture would be different.
Till today there are many aspirants of civil services exams in this area. So far some have achieved the goals and some are yet to achieve. To make familiar this concept, the initiative which has taken by dynamic SDM Karnah will definitely give momentum to the educated youths of the valley related to the civil services race. In connection with the popularization of Civil Services Concept, he(Dr Bilal Mohi-u-din Bhat, IAS as SDM Karnah) has established a Civil services Library to popularise the concept of civil services in this small less exposure but full of talent hamlet. Moreover, establishing a library of this high standard will strengthen the institutionalisation of the concept. Now it can be said that this area has well-equipped library with all kinds of books and other study material which are relevant to civil services examinations. It will definitely bring an era of change in the mindsets of youths. And it becomes the responsibility of every stakeholder of the society to take benefit of this library so that the education of our youths could be taken to the next level. Apart from this, the Said administrator is very much focussed and concerned about education in Karnah. For this, he has taken many measures like checking schools, teachers duties, providing relevant things to schools, etc.
Moreover, he had started a Mathematical Learning Programme by the help of a Hyderabad Based NGO in collaboration With Education Department of Tehsil KArnah. Around 10 govt teachers were engaged in the programme and around 500 plus students of govt schools remained a part of that programme, which concluded in the Month Of February this year of which I personally remained apart. The aim of that Program was to inculcate the leadership traits among the students, how to manage time, and to feel about solving mathematics-based numerical burdenless. And it needs a complete writeup to share the benefit of that programme and that program was as important as this Civil Services Library. In the near past, he as apex administrator of Tehsil Karnah also put on the job the team Of Orion Edu-Tech Partner with NSDC GoI to impart Skills knowledge among the students through the govt school teachers. For that very few schools have been taken.
No matter SDM Karnah, Dr Bilal Mohi-u-din Bhat will not remain here forever but the work done by him will be remembered in the long future. And he will be awarded by the Almighty for this good deed. We hope he will bring changes wherever he would go in future. We wish, he may make progress by leaps and bounds.
Best Wishes from Aspirants and Karnahis.